I'm Sorry

Younger Boy had one of those days today where he was really struggling with following directions.  He was choosing over and over again not t...

Family Therapy

I really like Therapist A, Middle Boy's therapist. We had our second family therapy session today.  She is sensitive to the amount of ti...

Boy's Room

Okay...so by State Law I could technically have FOUR boys in my second bedroom.  Each child only needs 35 square foot of space and my second...


Since we have cell phones I have seen a LARGE increase in cooperation.  The boys are still really excited about the phones and they are all ...

I've Created Monsters

Today for whatever reason I believed it was a good idea to buy cell phones...for everyone. Now I am about to go crazy. I did get parental co...

Fines for Workers

I just saw this online and I think it is interesting.  It makes me wonder how many times it will apply in the State.  I think the decision i...

Progress Report

Today I got the progress report for Younger Boy.  NOT GOOD. We are going to really have to work hard to turn it around to even be remotely a...

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