
Hey, everyone.  Brian reminds me that we will have a free day in Prague--actually our first day there, before our city tour, etc.  So we pro...
EXCITEMENT In less than 2 months, I will be heading off to Oxford, England. I cannot believe I have this wonderful opportunity to study abro...

Content Overloaded Education

Teacher fronted teaching is the dominant teaching method in Bhutan. Walk into any few classes, you would invariably find teachers taking the...

Politics in Krakow, Poland

Hello CC friends! Scooter encouraging everyone to have a great trip! Taken from:             Before we embark on our tour acros...

Cold War Remnants

What to expect? It’s hard to imagine what life was like during Communism. I was born in the summer of 1991 well after the Berlin Wall came d...

Importance of Discerning Wisdom, Delusion and What Liberates

Someone wrote: "wisdom can only exist if ignorance is reified, they're both flip sides of the same non-existent coin, just more int...
8 More Days! Hi! My name is Jessica Montgomery and I am a sophomore studying Elementary Education at Columbia College.  Like a few of the ot...

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