My Day of Travels

Writing this from my current position sitting in the airport at my terminal? My gate? I am not quite sure… Though this whole flying thing se...

The Dependent Origination of Kleshas

Thusness posted in Dharma Connection : I was reading Catherine’s post about her friend in emptiness group, I felt deeply sorry to hear ab...

T'was the Night Before...

Finally, after four hours of packing (and probably 3,000 calories consumed) I believe I am ready to go! A few friends stopped by to say thei...

Steampunk honeybee

Ik vond een stuk roestig metaal, de kleuren waren zo mooi en spraken me meteen aan. Ja en wat doe je dan? roberen of je hetzelfde kan creere...

Self as Karmic Tendencies

Kyle Dixon Nenad, If you insist that your point of view is somehow the correct treatment of these issues, then yes it may certainly appea...

New Principal Brings Hope

Samtse Higher Secondary School has been without a principal for over a month. Not having a principal in the school was like a voyaging ship ...

3d canvas " kunstbloemen"

Wat doe je met die lelijke kunstbloemen die ergens in je huis stof staan te vergaren? Ik doe dit. Nog wat andere decoratieve spulletjes erbi...

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