+A and -A Emptiness

John Tan Hi David , thanks for sharing. First there is the direct apprehension of Clarity/Awareness. Next is recognizing the apparent separ...

Take Off....England is the Destination

Finalizing the preparations for my trip...completing paperwork, updating travel information, and packing for 3 weeks. I am beyond excited fo...
    Hello everyone my name is Tami Davis and I am a senior here at Columbia College. My major is in psychology and my goal is to pursue a Ph...

Group Evaluation

For fair assessment of answer scripts, teachers in many schools in the country are practicing group evaluation. It is evident from various f...

No Yellow Brick Road

Finally, now that my dukkha of examinations has ceased, at least for a while, I've some time to type out something I wanted to share f...


Piotr quoted something nice by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche: "Nonduality does not mean that you dissolve into the world or that the world ...

Buddha's Path Is to Experience Reality

Thusness was deeply impressed by the degree of clarity of this article by S.N. Goenka-ji when I shared it with him today. It describes som...

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