Tagalong Tuesday week 26 ICAD with Gelato

Hello Another tagalong today. this week an ICAD again because I don't seem to have time for anything else these days. Hope you enjoy! ee...

Musings from airports

Hello again! I have taken to writing a physical journal on this trip so I can document as much as possible while away from my loved ones.  I...

Art journal page in my book of faces

Een nieuwe pagina in mijn journal waarin ik alleen gezichten maak. Je kunt de video hieronder bekijken   Another page in my journal that is ...

Ciao from Florence!

Ciao!Greetings from Florence, Italy! Today marks my 9th day in Italy and it has certainly been a wonderful nine days! To start things off, I...

ICAD Prompt Face craftorij zomer challenge

this one I like a lot....a beautiful face with just 3 colors. this is the link to the video on how I made her. And a picture of course. dez...

Intelligence and Impermanence

Daniel M. Ingram: "So you have these two extremes - both of which I find pretty annoying (laughs) - and uhm, not that they are not ...

Positiveness Smiles

I have been having people young and matured around With  feelings and motives each has a different  ground I searched among them an ideal wh...

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