
Look at the man in front very simple Though he possesses skill in ample Stood he besides a person silent With a file in hand but head bent T...

Tagalong tuesday week 40 "there is no fear" art journal page

another tagalong...40 already..time flies. So today I made another page in my altered book. I hope you like this one. you can watch it here....


I heard unseen They were sitting at the bank of river Not speaking to each other Very handsome was the man And lovely girl not less than Ins...

Time Flies..

When I was in high school, all I could think about was how time was moving at a snail’s pace. I could not wait to go to college and it could...

Spirit lifter art journal card ( + giveaway for 8.500 subscribers to my youtube channel)

Hello everyone its time for a giveaway.....with a special theme. And I made a nice art journal card to go with it. you can win : 50 of my la...

Tagalong Tuesday week 39 another intuitive page.

Hello all. this week another art journal page. this time in an altered book that I started during our designteam get together. One of the me...

Relationship Between Father and Son

Taken from Dharma Connection David Vardy Fluidity, Illusion-like spaciousness, follows the realization that only pure functioning is wha...

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