My Canterbury Tale Begins

The first four days in Canterbury have been interesting and exciting, combining my expectations of what England would be like with some surp...


I love dogs.  Since time immemorial dogs have been men’s best friend. Even from religion point of view, we consider dogs to be near-to-human...

Two Days Down in Canterbury

My journey from Kansas City to where I am now (sitting at the kitchen table in my flat in Canterbury) has been filled with ups and downs fo...

Tagalong tuesday week 33 "just paper"

I made this tag with just paper, no paint! used up left overs. I started with a smaller tag, but soon I needed to change to size #12. I did ...

Chasing Thailand

Study Abroad: Thailand My name is Chase Barnes. I am a Junior at Columbia College. My major is Political Science. My home town is Wellsboro,...

Thoughts Before Canterbury: 2 Days to Go!

Packing to go to another country makes a mess, both literally and mentally. As I tear apart my room to find every possible trinket that may ...

Home is where the heart is..... Mixed media Canvas

I made this canvas to inspire you to join the challenge if you want more details you can click the video underneath the photo's. If you ...

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