New Year

Today perfume of happy tidings I diffuse through rhyme Friends must shower on thee favors choicest the time I zoom past year gone  delighted...

Direct Taste of Suchness and Madhyamika

Something I wrote in Dharma Connection : The sense of the Observer remains very strong even after direct realization of Awareness, in fact...

Self-Liberation by Khamtrul Rinpoche III

I was flipping through a newly translated Mahamudra book, and I love some of the passages I've read so far. Seems like a good book but ...

With me

Deceptive promises are pleasant to me Unique reliance so I place upon thee I intentionally took risk on my life and so Could hunt my heart f...

Workshop planning voor januari en Februari staan online

Het is zo fijn te zien dat de workshops "ontdek artjournaling" en "gezichten in art journaling" zo goed worden ontvangen...


12/12/15, 8:23:45 PM: Soh: Sitting on a boat, the boat moving, the vibration and bodily sensation and sound are one formation 12/12/15, 8:23...

Palace Of Love

He smashed the palace of love on the provocation by unknown Has been your second self for centuries,played trick,Alas! you groan Incitements...

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