Monkeys on the way to Gangtok, Sikkim

If you travel along West Bengal-Sikkim highway don't forget to take an extra bag of breads, biscuits and bananas because there are many ...

Youth and youthful energy: A message to all students

Dear students, At this point of your life, you are very energetic. You are full of youthful energy. The energy within you makes you potentia...

A better Google News experience on tablets

Posted by Mayuresh Saoji, Product Manager, Google News [Edited 02/13/2013] Update : The new Google News experience for tablets is now avail...

In Pursuit of Human Excellence: Samtse LSS's first school magazine

In over 50 years since the school was established, there has not been any attempt to produce a school magazine for Samtse Lower Secondary Sc...

My younger daughter turned 4

My younger daughter (Sonam Choki Dema) turned four today. Few days back she insisted me on arranging a celebration on her birthday. I had to...

Era of 'Jacket Toego' in Bhutanese dressing style

In the evolution of Bhutanese dress over the past two decades, I remember various fashions coming in and dying out. A new fashion would exis...

President Obama

What are your feelings concerning last night's re-election of President Obama and what are your expectations for his second term?

Improving news search with expandable results

Posted by Rudy Galfi, Product Manager Last year we updated Google News to make it easier for you to scan for stories that are interesting ...

Election 2012!

thumbnail Thursday assignment for computer lab. Hello Gov. Kids, Welcome to the first Blog assignm...

Hard-work paid off

Today marks an important milestone in my career. I secured another degree in Education, Masters Degree. I majored in Curriculum and Instruct...

This is our Society

Here is a picture I found on facebook. Image from facebook The message in the cartoon is clear and it is true with our society. There are p...

Celebrating Thrue-Bab (Blessed Rainy Day) away from home

It is believed that on Thrue-Bab (blessed rainy day) all water on earth turns holy. God is believed to shower its blessings over all water ...

Google News turns 10

Posted by Krishna Bharat, Distinguished Scientist and Founder, Google News Google News launched on September 22, 2002—exactly a decade ago. ...

A newly hatched way to tag your news articles

Posted by Rudy Galfi, Product Manager, Google News The day after the historic 1929 stock market crash, Variety bannered their front page wi...

Children fear school on first day of school

Every year young children who attain six years are admitted in schools across the country. These young children are about to start on a very...

Bowling experience- Athletes are born not made

Games and sports have been one of favorite pastimes and I am fairly good at some of them. I can play football, volleyball, basketball, snook...

Past few months

Past few months, for me, were the busiest months of the year. Thesis, course works, defense, presentations and seminars made most of my sch...

Building Children's Self Esteem

Self-esteem refers to an individual's evaluative judgment about himself, herself, or itself (Santrock, 2001). Self-esteem can have a pr...

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