Showing posts with label Tradition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tradition. Show all posts

Era of 'Jacket Toego' in Bhutanese dressing style

In the evolution of Bhutanese dress over the past two decades, I remember various fashions coming in and dying out. A new fashion would exis...

Celebrating Thrue-Bab (Blessed Rainy Day) away from home

It is believed that on Thrue-Bab (blessed rainy day) all water on earth turns holy. God is believed to shower its blessings over all water ...

On Wangdiphodrang Dzong Tragedy.

April 19, 1998, the nation was shocked at the news of Paro Taktshang fire accident. However, we had to swallow the bitter pill and pray that...

A visit to a museum in Vietnam.

Last week I visited Vietnam on a study tour. We were a mix group of Thai and Bhutanese Students. Thanks to the University for the trip. The ...

Bhutanese films not so Bhutanese

Its been a long time since I last watched a Bhutanese movie. Gasa Lamai Singye is the the last I watched in the 90s.  After a long gap, last...

Moenlam Chenmo in Samtse: In splendid pomp

On any of the days last week if you would have gone to visit houses anywhere at the outskirts of Samtse Dzongkhag, you would have found all ...

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