There are certain people who invariably tell lie
As a result of which two or more people vie
Some do that to save them from consequences
After doing wrong and their minds are tense
Some practice that just for nothing but for fun
I tell here anecdote interesting of among us one
Some remain at home but make someone speak lie
Who informs visitor their absence but in tone shy
A person of that sort seeing someone coming hid,
Himself under his bed and asked the friend present
To do the same but he chose truth and visitor bent
Milk of milk water of water proverb came then true
Silence prevailed which was enough, disgrace grew
In fact habit like blood in their veins do run
Some do it to torture an puzzle the minds of others
Whether any, their father,mother ,sisters or brothers
But they do not realize neither care of torment
They will face surely in hell hundred percent
Their reality comes bare in the eyes of all
And then like tear they from the eyes fall
They are neither friend nor they get true friend
He told lie that he never interacts with other girl
To his beloved expression dubious and with whirl
But she was there where he exchanged gift in mall
She sorted him out which caused fall of his love's wall
Poor thing does not shave for days together
To hide face upon which his gloom is clear
She is sans mercy cares not his disturbed mind
Only lie raise her to such high degree unkind
Wretched they are with no fear of terrible end
Those who for amusements sake opt such sin
On their pitiable plight ultimate nature would grin
Therefore my dear tell what is right you will be happy
Your mind will remain from all tensions and troubles free
When truth emerges it emerges with grandeur of light
And falsehood makes a person deprived of delight
Lie gives nothing but puts its sharer in shame
Hail truth it earns for its teller name and fame
I saw a man telling on mobile phone his location-
America,and hearer was at his back made all dun
Debtor and creditor they were started the fight
I saw ultimately very tragic the debtor's plight
Liars are with no doubt about it simply cowards
Lack they moral courage support them not words
Truth glares upon the horizon of one's character
Endears him and such person lives in hearts ever
------------------------------------------------------------Suhail Kakorvi
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