Facing Thy Face

Facing Thy face Thy lovable face- The boom of life And to seek that Is the charm of life Lustrous What sparks that possesses which sets fire...

tagalong Tuesday week 29

Another week and another face. this was a difficult one because I tried a different kind of position of her face. still need a lot of practi...


About Sunshine Sunshine in a novel way turned into rainbow And apparent now seven colors in luster grow Awakened system in the garden flower...

Musings from Museums

            Classes have officially ended. Final papers are due in about a week, everyone in the Oxford MOSAIC program for July has left, ex...


She was pensive Sadness looming large on her face She failed to manage What was hurriedly needed She just passed her twelfth class  She crav...

Solo with the Scots

Before leaving for England, a common “order” I received was to never travel alone. People told me it wouldn’t be safe—especially as a female...

Closing Thoughts

Okay, I’ll share a few thoughts, but you’re being warned. This is only a fraction of what I’m taking away from my time spent in Paris. So he...

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