Middle Brother is in the hospital again. This time with pneumonia. It has a fancier name, because it is actually in his trachea. I can't remember what it is.
Older Boy is convinced Middle Brother's death is imminent. Of course no one except for God knows if it is or isn't. Older Boy is already discussing how upset he is going to be if Middle Brother dies.
Mom and Dad J and I were trying to explain that we didn't need to worry about it until it happens and that right now our job is to love Middle Brother.
Pray for Middle Brother and his health. Pray for strength for Mom and Dad J. They love all of the boys and I am thankful to have them in my life.
Older Boy is convinced Middle Brother's death is imminent. Of course no one except for God knows if it is or isn't. Older Boy is already discussing how upset he is going to be if Middle Brother dies.
Mom and Dad J and I were trying to explain that we didn't need to worry about it until it happens and that right now our job is to love Middle Brother.
Pray for Middle Brother and his health. Pray for strength for Mom and Dad J. They love all of the boys and I am thankful to have them in my life.
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