Walking Fast

This morning as we were getting ready for church Older Boy asked me to sign his permission slip so he could go to the youth group lock-in.  I explained to him that he wouldn't not be able to go because of his behavior yesterday at the swimming party.

He called me a jerk so I asked him to go to time out.  While in timeout he began banging his head on the wall.  I asked him to please move to the center of the room where it was safe.  He got up and punched the hallway wall and kicked the hallway wall.  He went in his room and banged his head on the door.  I got the phone and called 911.  As a result he went outside and was kicking the garage door while barefoot.

I grabbed the phone to call the agency on-call phone and he left the property.  When the police arrived they searched for him and were able to find him about 15 minutes later at the elementary school near our home.  They brought him back and he continued to be agitated. 

A friend came over and took Younger Boy and Middle Boy to church.

I told Older Boy to get in the car so we could go to church and drove him to the psychiatric hospital instead. 

He was evaluated there and referred to their day program.  He will be receiving an evaluation for their program later this week.

Prayers  for peace.
Walking Fast Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: importancenews

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